Growin' Blog

Gardenin', fishin', bikin', librarianin'. And migratin'


Closing in on being done.

I'm currently in thesis hell, but it's rapidly coming to an end. As I begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel, I am beginning to poke my head out of the attic and back into the real world. Last night, as I was finding a reference to last fall's final report from Berkeley's youth culture onlne study I discovered that someone who I followed extensively a few years ago had just posted (like literally--the date was the 18th) her dissertation (part of the larger study) online.

I gotta say: it was a little inspiring because I remember when she started school. Although we're in a bit of a different league: people actually read her writing. Her post was doubly charming because a: it admits that theses and dissertations rarely get read; b: she acknowledges the OCD-type qualities of online-type people; and c: she frets that, like all dissertations, it is not a finely polished piece of prose.

And I had a nice little moment when I pictured her with her finger poised over the upload button chanting (much as I have been the last several weeks):
The only good thesis is a finished thesis.
The only good thesis is a finished thesis.
The only good thesis is a finished thesis.


Changing times at Library of Congress?

Funny, I didn't think they circulated.


Oh Senator Franken

Will you be wearing your longjohns tomorrow?