Growin' Blog

Gardenin', fishin', bikin', librarianin'. And migratin'


Encyclopedic bloat?

I'm not sure if I'm secretly thrilled or professionally horrified that the Star Wars kid has a wikipedia entry.

Extra hanky

So I'm walking around all day, feeling a little fat (as I've been feeling a lot lately). I finally take off my sweater, as it's really warm today, and discover this huge lump on my side. I've been packing around a hankerchief inside of my t-shirt all day.

No wonder people think I'm a nerd.


Not your bubbi's klezmer

Officially celebrated Valentine's tonight. David Krakauer's Klezmer Explosion.

A couple years ago, a friend told me that every chamber ensemble needs a turntablist. After tonight, I can say that every klezmer band needs a sampler/rapper. Holy cow. I used to think that bluegrass was the most malleable form of music, but now I'm leaning toward klezmer. I've heard bluegrass-klezmer. Tonight I heard crotch-rock--hip-hop--klezmer. With hard-bop improv. And they had a huge range.

I'm a little flabbergasted.


Photographer as criminal: redux

Haven't we talked about this before?

Come to think of it, this happened to me a few years back taking photos at the McCormick Place Annex. I was pretty sure they were wrong then, and I'm sure they're wrong now. There's all sorts of things you can claim:

  • Fair Use: I'm doing it for a non-profit purpose, or I'm going to use it in a piece of criticism or in a parody.

  • Public space: the copyright holder has to take some measures to protect the work from abuse--putting it in a park sort of obviates that, doesn't it?

  • Economic harm: me taking pictures of the sculpture doesn't economically harm the sculptor unless I'm selling products that he's als selling.



Not that I got the ashes today, but I have been thinking about it. Days of obligation such as this have turned more into days of reflection for me. The tradition would be for me to decide on a devotion for the duration--think: 'I'm giving up Hershey bars for lent.' The mod Catholic would have some positive thing he would dedicate himself to: going to mass every day; making extra charitable contributions; dedicating a time everyday for reflection.

I haven't done any of that in years--let alone not eat meat on Fridays. Will this be the year? Will Bosco House and the Quakers inspire me?



I so infrequently get to answer a question using a reference book that when it happens, it's notable.

"I'm looking for the first name of the person this reaction is named after."

Well sir, you need a biographical dictionary. I'm sure we have one with just chemists in it.

(We don't but we did find the answer in the World Who's Who in Science.) Sure, my nose is running because of the dust stirred up by touching the books, but he got his question answered.

(G. Eglinton, if you're curious. And no, I'm not going to tell you his first name. Go to the library!)



I was struck by a comment recently. Someone mentioned that only 30 % of Oregon legislators have any college experience. I found this really hard to believe.

Today I glanced at the Oregon Blue Book and found that 11 of 30 Senators and 15 of 60 Representative list professions that REQUIRE college degrees--nurses, teachers, attorneys. So that's just about 30% right there. I would assume that at least some of the others have had at least a little bit of college. Even farmers go to ag school. Maybe I mis-interpreted what the person said.

The Blue Book did surprise me with another factoid. Oregon is supposed to have a part-time legislature, but a great many (I didn't count, but it stood out) of our legislators list 'legislator' as their profession. It's amazing how these people can work for just $15,000 per year. Are they independently wealthy or do they get food stamps?


I wish I could write like this.

A Daily Princetonian column singing the praises of librarians.

Other than the It's a Wonderful Life reference, this is a great read. If for no other reason than its use of the word lubricious.