Growin' Blog

Gardenin', fishin', bikin', librarianin'. And migratin'


Growin' this week.

Or should I say bloomin'?

Croci, daphne, camilia (lightly).

I soooo don't miss the midwest. (But you know I love you)

The postsests with the mostest

A little link-y round up for all my loyeal readers.

A colleague sent this story under the subject line "sad but interesting." And it is sad that Iraqis are using to plan their daily routes around likelly kidnapping points. On the other hand, I have to appreciate the amazing adaptability and resilience of a population that is adapting internet technologies just to SURVIVE! Holy crap batman: I have the luxury of following whatever route I want to work each morning. Granted, recently I've been choosing to ride past the shiny new courthouse rather than down the Willamette alley (where I have to watch the EPD harass people sleeping by the pool vent behind the Downtown Athletic Club), but this is a pretty minor aesthetic choice. It's not like I'm trying to protect my life.

On a much lighter note, this video made the rounds of listservs on campus this week under the headings "the future of reference" for the librarians, and 'hey, here's my clueless users' on the departmental tech support list.

And here's a spoof on some marching penguins.


Got 20 minutes?

This narrated powerpoint presentation outlines how Oregon lags behind in a centralized geo-spatial infrastructure, and provides examples (primarily from economic development) of how we'd be better off with a stronger, more centralized data system.



OK, there seems to be a template problem, but I can't switch back at the moment. Sorry for the hassle. I'm working on it, but my battery is about to run out and I'm feeling wayyy too lazy to walk upstairs and grab the power cord.

Social faux pas?

I was chatting with a colleague who is abandoning us the other day, and lamenting his move. I'm not sure how it came up, but at some point he said 'well, I feel like we know each other pretty well.' I snarkily shot back, "I don't even know why I bother to remember your name."

I then had to explain that a neighbor of mine has a theory, or perhaps a social habit, that he is under no obligation to remember anyone's name until he has used that person's toilet. As I have never been to this colleague's home, ipso facto, I shouldn't be bothered to remember his name.

He immediately shot back: well I've peed at your house plenty of times. Doesn't it work both ways?

Well, I was stumped there, but as luck would have it, I ran into this particular neighbor at the Whiteaker's fabulous new coffee shop, The Wandering Goat, that very afternoon. So I explained to him how much mileage I had gotten out of his theory, that everyone with whom I have shared it has laughed merrily, and does it indeed work in reverse. Unfortunately, he looked at me as if I was drooling into his perfect cup of fair-trade drip-thru Ethiopean coffee and stated: "I never said that."

So did I make up this theory on my own? Did I have an imaginary conversation with my neighbor while walking down 4th Street on the summer day that Lilly and Kirk got married? (For I remember distinctly that he was walking home from their party.) Was he fucking with me this week? Was he high at the time and can't remember the conversation?

Stay tuned for a brief outage. I'm going to archive the blog here and switch to the new blogger engine. And hopefully solve my too-long archive list problem in the process.